“barry,I told you that the people in there were the best experimental subjects.”【巴里,我就说这里的人最适合用来做实验。】
“Faye,Stop hitting on barry all the time. he doesn't like you.he only thinks about his so-called savior.”【费伊,别再对巴里献殷勤了,他只想着那个所谓他的救世主。】另一个金发碧眼的女人调侃的笑着,眼镜盖住了她眼里的算计。
“women are such troublesome. they always beat around the bush like this.”【女人们真麻烦,说话总是这样拐弯抹角。】另一个穿着白色西装的男人坐在沙发上吐槽,“Ida,You're not as good as her. what's there to laugh at?”【艾达,你还不如她,何必调侃她?】
“Shut your mouthmouth xavi, dog and mouse, mind your own business.”【萨维闭嘴,狗拿耗子,多管闲事。】艾达最讨厌这个装绅士的下头男。
“that's right. don't show off if you don't understand chinese.It's the first time I heard that I pared myself to a mouse.”【没错了,学不明白华国语言就不要显摆。第一次听说把自己比作耗子的。】费伊翻白眼,觉得艾达丢人现眼的。