“12号站起来背诵一下92页的THE STORY OF ANESS。”虞老师仰起头,眼神犀利地扫视台下的一圈学生,道。
秦悠迅速站起来,目光炯炯地看着虞老师,用一口流利的英式英语背诵道:“San Franay 5,1906.The earthquake that hit San Fran April 18 shook dowhousands of dollars worth of walls ahe fire that followed burned up hundreds of millions of dollarsworth of buildings and homes.Never before in history has a so pletely destroyed. San Francise.The factories, the great stores and neer buildiels, a houses of the rich are all gone.On Wednesday m at a quarter past five came the earthquake. ”
“A momehe disaster was a faarket Street in the w-eighbourhoods aoriesfires started.Within an hour of the first quake the smoke could be seehe suhe dark sky. There pihe firefighters to whom the task was give but there was no way tanise or uhe railway traow useless and there ater pipes.All of the ways mao keep the city safe were gohe 30 seds the earth moved.By Wedernoon, half the heart of the city was gone.”
“还可以。有个别单词,就比如说neighbourhoods、unicate的发音要注意。”她语气迅速地说道,“At that time后面那段10号、20号、30号下课到我办公室背。”